We've reached the halfway point of our annual campaign!
In Shawnee County, you have raised over $1.4 million dollars toward our $2 million campaign goal. That covers our entire investment in Pine Ridge Prep, allowing 51 students the opportunity to attend two years of high-quality preschool and graduate ready to start kindergarten on track with their peers.
In Douglas County, you have raised nearly $400,000 towards our $1 million campaign goal. Those dollars are powering strategies focused on ensuring all Douglas County residents have the resources, support, opportunities and networks they need to thrive.
Our campaign doesn’t end until June 30, so there is still plenty of time to be involved. You can make an individual gift to our work at the links located below:
Shawnee County: GiveTopeka.com
Douglas County: bit.ly/GiveDouglasCo
Jackson County: GiveJacksonCo.com
If you are interested in running a workplace campaign, there is still time! You may contact our Director of Workplace Campaigns TJ McDonald at tmcdonald@uwkawvalley.org.
If you are interested in giving individually through a planned giving instrument such as stocks, IRA charitable rollover, charitable remainder trust, or other instrument, contact our Director of Major Gifts & Legacy Giving Nic Simons at nsimons@uwkawvalley.org.