We're excited to announce the results of our 2022-2023 workplace campaign!
You invested $2,578,070 across Shawnee, Jackson, Jefferson and Douglas Counties!
What does that mean?
In Shawnee County, Jackson and Jefferson Counties it means you raised nearly $2 million dollars! Because of you, over 500 kids will have access to meaningful early childhood experiences to prepare them for school. It also means hundreds of kids and adults will have access to financial literacy and workforce training programs to build a stable foundation for their lives.
In Douglas County, you raised nearly $600,000! Because of you, hundreds of children and families will have access to the resources they need to meet their most basic of needs- including food and housing assistance. It also means we can continue our commitment to racial equity by issuing grants that support projects focused on increasing equity and opportunities for local BIPOC communities.
THANK YOU for being a part of our unbreakable network of support for strong, healthy and equitable communities!